For everything, there is a season

For everything, there is a season

I am drawn to lakes.   I feel most at peace at a quiet lake surrounded by trees at sunrise.  I long for the summer when I can pull my paddleboard out on a glassy lake and watch the sunrise almost completely alone, save a few early morning fishermen.  It feels like the experience was orchestrated just for me.  Like a lot of people, winter to me can feel lonely, cold, depressing and I’m counting down the days until I can be back on that lake.  

Last year as a way to break out of my winter blues,  I challenged myself to take a picture of a different subject every day in January.   After I quickly got bored with everything in my house, this motivated me to bundle up and attempt my lake walks in the cold of January.   I found so much winter beauty waiting for me.   It made me think about our seasons differently.   Rather than resisting winter, I could embrace it.  I can look forward to the cozy layers of clothes.  A cold walk.   A frozen lake.  Frost covered trees.   Long nights in a warm bed.   Lot’s of warm beverages.  Enjoy the season you are in, rather than longing for the summer.   You might find something beautiful.  

I’m excited to share some of these images of the snowy wonderland around our small lakes in Omaha, NE.    

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